Life has been confusing these past few months. It’s been a spring and summer unlike any other before, and it’s thrown a wrench into how we live our lives. We are grasping on to anything that feels “normal”, and for me, that means spending time outdoors and away from TV and social media.

It’s therapeutic and centering being outside, feet pounding the pavement, hearing your own breath. I often take walks or run without any headphones; it’s nice to just hear the rush of wind past your ears and the sounds of everyday life. It’s simple, it’s free, and and it can do wonders for your health.

I read a handful of studies this year about spending time outdoors and exercise as it relates to health, THESE results are why I make this a priority:
-Improves short term memory
-Has a de-stressing effect
-Reduces inflammation
-Reduces fatigue
-Fights depression and anxiety
-Lowers blood pressure
These are just a few…the list is actually quite extensive! I’ve invested in spending time outdoors getting fresh air and exercise because it builds immunity. In a time where Covid-19 is rattling America, increased immunity is exactly what we need. I invested in a few things to help me stay motivated: a fantastic pair of adidas Ultraboost 20 running shoes, a comfortable sportsbra (aptly named the Unleash Confidence bra), and the “Own the Run” moisture wicking tank. All adidas, because it’s been one of my coveted brands since high school. 😍

I posted a pic on the ‘gram when my Ultraboost shoes came in, and I immediately got messages from people saying those are their favorite shoes. They were right; it’s like running on a cloud with these shoes. The sportsbra gives good support and all that, but BAM! It’s so pretty, right?! I might have no where to go out these days but I can still look cute working out! adidas added power pink items….which besides being pretty, can keep you safe while you’re out running.

In addition to my awesome new workout goodies, I also joined Levo Wellness, an online fitness program that provides physical-therapist-approved workouts. My back and shoulders have been hurting, so this method utilizes mechanically safe and effective resistance training exercises that increase muscle mass while being mindful of joints. There is an awesome library of workouts that blend cardio, yoga, pilates and strength training and it requires little to no equipment. (And I can do most of these workouts outside, too!)

In the first week of swapping out my morning stretching routine for the Levo Wellness Trunk Mobility routine, my back and neck felt better than they have for two years! It’s pretty amazing what can happen when we ditch the “no pain, no gain” mentality.

My motivation for writing this post is really to encourage anyone who is feeling “stuck” in this pandemic to get outside. Take a walk, enjoy a run, do some outdoor playground time with your kids. Nothing feels more normal right now than getting back to the simple things in life and doing something kind for your body. And BUILD UP THAT IMMUNITY, FRIENDS! 😊
Photography: S. Jackson
*This post was sponsored by adidas, all opinions are my own.
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