I have been dreaming of this moment…the warmth of the sun, the new leaves on the trees, and renewed motivation to get outside of my indoor box and get MOVING.
I’ll admit that I’ve been sluggish this last 365; it’s hard to work and chase a toddler and two dogs while keeping up with house renovations and social commitments. And that’s where I let working out slide. It’s amazing how quickly you notice your body changing when you don’t nourish it with good food and regular exercise. But all that is about to change.
As much as I wish I could just use positive self-talk as motivation, it just doesn’t do it for me. You know what does? A new outfit. I instantly feel more motivated to take a class, go for a walk, and do a few random push-ups. I wanted to find something bright and colorful that would carry me through spring and summer, and also some sort of sweatshirt or light jacket for cooler mornings when we go hiking in Colorado this summer. I’m a long-time adidas fan, so I spent (no joke) an hour on their site, combing through all the deals and fun new collections. I landed on the following for my outfit:
Sports bra and Leggings
Tie-front Tank Top in Lavender
The most fun to me was looking for running shoes…adidas has SO many good ones. One thing I love about the adidas brand is that they don’t make you choose between style and comfort; their shoes are both. I ended up going with the Pure Motion pair because they are lightweight and colorful, but next time I want to add a heavier duty pair for things like tennis or hiking. Before the new outfit arrived, I cut out processed sugar. It wasn’t easy, but I’ve been consistent and seen less bloat, more energy, and lost a few pounds. This little win encouraged me that changes, no matter how small, can amount to better heath and self-esteem. At first, I did miss my donuts. But now I make a coconut milk yogurt with organic granola and cranberries, and I don’t crash an hour later. I walk the dogs twice a day, I park further away in the parking lot when I get groceries, and I make friend dates to walk through the neighborhood instead of eating an endless brunch. Smallest of changes, but a good start.
The outfit was 50% of my motivation…a matcha latte was another 20%. (Hey, we all need a little treat now and then.) I am also using my positive self-talk to push me to 100%. I CAN do this. I CAN add exercise back into my daily routine. I CAN feel better. I CAN get stronger. I CAN get up, get going, get healthier. And you can, too.
*Thanks so much to adidas for sponsoring this post.
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