The new year is always a weird time to go to the gym, because it’s so packed with people that I just want to turn around and go home. By March, most of the “resolution” people have dropped off the map, and it’s back to normal. But I can’t help noticing that it isn’t a healthy lifestyle for the whole year they are after, it’s a quick fix. And let’s be real…there are no quick fixes except a few things duct tape and safety pins can do.

I’m mapping out what I do to try and stay healthy and moving all year long. for you. Though I still get sick and have issues throughout the year, it usually isn’t as severe as when I didn’t do these things. I have a son who is in day school, so he brings home all sorts of germs that get us sick. These little commitments are even more important to me now to try and stay healthy!

- Walk the dogs twice a day. Weather permitting, I get out and walk our dogs twice. I try to do one long “smell walk”, where they can take their time and sniff every rock and tree, while getting some fresh air. This is a leisurely pace that is more about doing gentle movement and soaking up Vitamin D. The second walk is a brisk walk, with very few stops to get the blood pumping!
- Make play time for everyone. When taking my son to the playground or Little Gym or Playstreet Musuem, I don’t sit and observe. I go down the slides, swing on the swings, and generally chase him around. It’s a good workout for me, and a heck of a lot more fun that just standing there.
- Stretch. This one is tough for me to remember to do daily, but when I skip it, it’s very noticeable. Stretching first thing in the morning is incredibly good for your body! It helps lengthen muscles, get everything warmed up for the day, and assists in keeping things aligned. I didn’t realize how important stretching was to my overall feeling of wellness until after having a baby and all my muscles and joints being slightly out of place.
- Buy cute activewear. Okay, this one might not literally make me healthier, but it sure does motivate me to put on my workout clothes, get out there, and MOVE. Everyone needs a motivator, whether it’s a class reunion or a cute pair of leggings. I choose leggings! (Like this pair that is currently on sale.) Oh, and comfy sweatshirts, like the combo I am wearing in this pic that I ordered from adidas. I could live in these every day with no problems. Btw-also on sale!
- No rushing. While exercise sounds like it should be about quickness, I’ve found that I’m more likely to stick with a workout class or enjoy my walks around the lake when I’m not rushing things. Get to a group class early and make conversation; you might make a friend, which in turn makes you more excited to go to class. Smile and say hello on your neighborhood walks to the people you see. Stop to tell someone their baby/dog/poncho is adorable. When you’re having fun and not rushing, you’re more likely to do an activity again. And again. And again.

*This post was sponsored by adidas, all opinions and thoughts are my own.
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